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Trust within the UvA has suffered a major dent. In the second lunch session of UvA Campus Dialogues we will discuss how we can work constructively on solutions aimed at restoring trust. What do you need to restore trust? This can be about taking responsibility, recognizing each other's pain, but also about democratizing processes and improving policy. This session we will be accompanied by the wonderful music of cello player Sanem Kalfa.
Event details of UvA Campus Dialogues Lunch Session #2
30 May 2024
12:00 -14:00
BG 3

Campus Dialogue Lunch Sessions

The recent demonstrations on our campus and the police response to these protests have heavily impacted our entire community. In these challenging times, the Central Diversity Office is committed to offering a safe and welcoming space on campus where student and staff wellbeing, connectivity and shared reflection take a central place. To make this happen, we are organising weekly Campus Dialogues Lunch Sessions. The second session will take place on 30 May from 12:00-14:00 at VOX-POP. 

Our aim is to create a safe space, where our community can share their thoughts, concerns, emotions and views. We will explore shared values and allow space for pluralism. We want to rebuild trust together and to learn how we can work together again towards a common future. 

During these lunch sessions, we invite you as a member of the UvA community to participate. To foster dialogue and collaboration, we will invite several guest speakers who will facilitate these sessions with practical tools. 

Each of these six sessions will have its own focus as follows: 

  • The impact of the crisis on our UvA community 
  • Rebuilding trust 
  • Common ground - what connects us? 
  • Dealing with division - what to do if we disagree? (part 1) 
  • From division to pluralism - what to do when we continue to disagree? (part 2) 
  • Towards a shared future

Practical information 

Are you a student or staff member at UvA? Then we invite you to join us in one or more of these Campus Dialogues lunch sessions. To ensure a safe space, we have to limit the number of participants. Therefore, registration is required. Lunch will be provided for free. These sessions will take place every Thursday from May 23 to June 27, between 12.00 and 14:00.

The second session will take place on 30 May from 12:00-14:00 at VOX-POP. Please register for this session via the link below.

BG 3

Binnengasthuisstraat 9
1012 ZA Amsterdam