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As part of the talent development programme, VOX-POP offers two yearly student residencies for students or recent graduates with work experience who want to create their own programme series. This year, we work together with Alina Tomescu and Sam Kailani.
Alina Tomescu presents: Nocturnal Dialogues
Have you every thought about the ways in which cities change at night? In her new programme series 'Nocturnal Dialogues' our student-in-residence Alina Tomescu aims to explore the various dimensions of the urban night. We will uncover its dynamics and foster meaningful conversations between night studies scholars and night communities. In five sessions, we will explore and stretch the concept of the city at night with themes such as the history of nightlife, night rituals across cultures, nature and ecosystems during the night, night-specific activism and the politics of music.
Student in residence at VOX-POP

Students-in-residence develop their own programme series in VOX-POP. In their programmes, they delve deeper into a particular theme and bring together different perspectives. To facilitate their work, they receive a flat fee, a programme budget and guidance for the content and production of the events. If necessary, they can raise additional funds themselves. To organize a programme at VOX-POP, it should make connections between everyday life and the humanities, involve communities from around the city, and highlight innovative perspectives on the topic at hand. Are you curious? Submit your idea via and perhaps you will be our next student-in-residence!

Sam Kailani presents: New Religion
It seems like we in the West have lost our religion, but is that really the case? And what is religion at all? In his public programme series 'New Religion', our student-in-residence Sam Kailani tries to answer this question. In three editions, we'll explore the meaning of religion and the various new forms of religion that are emerging. Why is it that Westerners are converting to Universal Sufism, does the Climate Movement resemble religion, and what role will artificial intelligence play in the supernatural?