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VOX-POP opens ‘Speculative Futurism: Inverting the Archive’! This exhibition challenges you to envision the future differently. Five artists pave the way and constitute an archive of futuristic and optimistic thinking. Defy what you know, think and feel through audio, video, graffiti, poetry and more. On view from June 1st onwards in VOX-POP! We celebrate the opening on June 1st from 19:30 to 21:30h. See you there? Register now!
Event details of OPENING// Speculative Futurism
1 June 2023
19:30 -21:30
BG 3

Opening Speculative Futurism

On Thursday the 1st of June we celebrate the opening of the VOX-POP exhibition: Specultive Futurism: Inverting the Archive ! You're all welcome from 19:30- 21:30 to be the first to be enlightened with other futures. These futures will be presented by the use of image, audio, video, graffiti, poetry and more. We will dive into the artworks and their visions for the future with Junior Lecture Max Stolk and artist Celine Michieli. 

Max Stolk

Max Stolk is a Junior Lecturer at Interdisciplinary Social Sciences at the UvA. In his studies he has done research on Science Fiction, specifically investigating if and how Feminist Science Fiction can be used as philosophy. Additionally, he is personally interested in Afrofuturism and Sinofuturism.


Celine Micheli

Celine Micheli (they/them, IT) is a transdisciplinary queer non-binary artist working in the fields of performance, sound and visual arts. They are originally from Italy and currently studying Fine Art at AKI ArtEZ in the Netherlands. Celine addresses themes of intersectional feminism, vulnerability and intimacy through speculative fabulation. Through their work, they explore experimental and future-oriented scenarios and change-of-state in systems of political and ecological discourses. They create non-linear narratives in the form of written, vocal and performative practices of nourishing understandings of the human body in relation to the non-human world.

Speculative Futurism: Inverting the Archive

Hoe kijk jij naar de toekomst? In een wereld waarin het kapitalisme allesomvattend lijkt, kan het moeilijk zijn om je een andere toekomst voor te stellen dan het dystopische beeld waar we op af lijken te stevenen. Hoe brengen we hier verandering in? In de tentoonstelling Speculative Futurism worden makers en bezoekers uitgedaagd om na te denken over de toekomst op een manier die radicaal buiten het heden ligt. Door middel van speculatieve storytelling ontdekken we samen wat de kracht is van radicale toekomstverhalen. Hoe kunnen we onszelf bevrijden van doemdenken, maar ook kritisch zijn op het heden?

Met trots presenteert VOX-POP Speculative Futurism: Inverting the Archive, met werk van Ida Fisker, Unfinished, Dilek Yördem en Başar Kurnaz, Celine Micheli, en Smaragda Nitsopoulou.