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VOX-POP celebrates the start of the academic year with a dive into the world of walking: Walking back to Amsterdam. Through performance and lectures we will examine different entry points into walking and everyday movement. Connecting praxis and theory we finish the afternoon program with a walk.
Kerngegevens van evenement VOX-POP presents: 'Walking back to Amsterdam'
28 september 2022
15:30 -18:00
BG 3

Walking back to Amsterdam...

Crossing roads, navigating sidewalks. When walking, we choose paths and change routes; our bodies shift, mould, and sense the public space. How do our everyday movements shape the environment? To what extent does the path we take influence not only our movements but also our thoughts, feelings? And what access to and experience of the street do different bodies have? We are interested in the way that walking and our daily use of public spaces invite us to understand our surroundings, and wonder if they can be used as a research practice. Could walking provide us with critical and transformative perspectives? 

September 28, when the academic year has started again and the summer draws to an end, we invite you to dive into these questions with us. Through lectures and a guided walk we will examine different entry points into walking and everyday movement. Connecting praxis and theory we will start the afternoon program with a walkshop. Performance artist Kamila Wolszczak takes us outside and challenges us to take a different perspective on our surroundings by looking closely at hidden narratives inhabiting the streets. Come join us! 


Tânia Cardoso

This event is a collaboration between VOX-POP and Tânia Cardoso. Tânia is an illustrator, urbanist, and PhD candidate in artistic research at the University of Amsterdam investigating the ground-based experience of the illustrator while she walks and draws the street exploring the poetics of everyday life and connecting urban experience, place and imagination. 

”Walking back to Amsterdam” welcomes all those interested in walking practices and introduces the upcoming Walking as Research Practice (WARP) Conference ‘Walking-with Amsterdam’; taking place on September 29 and 30. WARP Conference is organized by F. Ranalli, F. Smits and Prof. Dr. A. Twemlow. 

Please find the full program and participants at CUS WARP Conference

Kamila Wolszczak

Kamila Wolszczak is a Netherlands-based Polish visual artist and researcher. She creates performance, text and installation projects based on the relations between self-organized public side space and artifacts and human traces. She enjoys collaborative projects and co-creation, specifically the blending of facts with speculation. She accepts change as inevitable and tries to find a way to communicate with that and believes in the power of matter and communities, creativities as a magic tool for real shifts in society. Kamila has studied at the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Lublin (Painting BA), the Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław (Art Mediation MA) and Fontys University (Performing Public Space Artistic Research MA). 


Christine van Royen 

Christine van Royen (1957) studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Rijksakademie, BA History of Art, Artistic Research MA. Throughout her studies at the UvA she had an interest in art and artists from the Seventies, such as the movement ‘Spurensicherung’ and the micro-emotive attitude, that she uses as an approach for walking. In her practice analogue and digital photography are conceptualized as a sensorial assemblage, in which the photograph is seen not only as the result of the camera and film, but as an assemblage of everything playing a part in it: the weather, the light, the man-made camera, the photographer and more.

Christine will do a performative lecture on walking with a micro-emotive approach to the more than human world. She will talk about walking in the mountains with non- human animals and encounters with plants. How come roadside plants in Piemonte are considered garden plants in the Netherlands? And why is the donkey becoming a rare animal in Italy? Photographs of these encounters were shown in Foundation Jetty and as a finissage, a micro emotive city-walk was organized through the streets of Amsterdam and its small petting zoo. Today we will consider why and how we make distinctions between garden plants and weeds, and discuss the differences between consumption animals and significant others like dogs that have names and histories.

What plants and weeds do we encounter in Amsterdam? What sort of relations do we establish in a petting zoo?

Important Info

What? Public program + walking practice: 'Walking back to Amsterdam'

Where? VOX-POP, Binnengasthuisstraat 9 

When? Wednesday 28th of September. Doors open at 15:30, programme 16h-18h

Costs? Free entrance! 

The event is of free of charge, but we have a maximum of 20 spots available. 

BG 3

Ruimte VOX-POP
Binnengasthuisstraat 9
1012 ZA Amsterdam