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All week long, VOX-POP will be filled with activities like foosball, creative workshops, board games, and more! Enjoy free snacks and drinks throughout the week, with a special treat of delicious Surinamese roti rolls. Simply show your Warm Welcome Week stamp to gain free access to all activities, food, and drinks. You can pick up your stamp at the information desk in VOX-POP. The activities and workshops have a limited number of spots, so it's first come, first serve!


15:30 - 20:00 Open house with games, foosball, free snacks & drinks
15:30 - 19:00 XXL-Stitching Community Art Project
16:00 - 17:00 Climate Heads painting workshop by the Klimaatmuseum
17:00 - 20:00 Nail art by the Happy Toko
17:30 - 20:00 Clothing Swap
18:00 - 20:00 Visible Mending Workshop
Ongoing Pop-up Klimaatmuseum


XXL-Stitching with Studio Koekoek

During the Warm Welcome Week, you can learn the art of XXL stitching with Studio Koekoek. Forget fiddling with a needle, this is something completely different. In pairs on a large mesh with thick ecological threads we will create a joint embroidery artwork! No experience? No problem! The professional embroiderers at Studio Koekek will quickly help you get started or match you with someone who has already mastered embroidery. After the Warm Welcome Week ends, our joint artwork will be on display in VOX-POP!

About Studio Koekoek

Studio Koekoek is a creative company in Amsterdam that designs DIY kits and materials to inspire people to make beautiful things with their hands.

Climate Heads painting workshop by the Klimaatmuseum

Come and join us for an amazing workshop where you can express your feelings about climate change through self-portraiture: draw your own Climate Head! Under the guidance of Tom Heerschop, artist in residence at het Meertens Instituut, everyone will become a practised artist. And as a result, your portrait will become part of the Klimaatmuseum!

Clothing Swap!

Do you have a closet full of clothes, but nothing to wear? It's a familiar feeling, and it's time to make a change! Not only for your closet and wallet, but also for the environment. Fortunately, there is a sustainable and fun solution: swapping clothes! Trends come and go, and your body and style may change. But not to worry! We've got you covered. We're organising a clothing swap at VOX-POP during the Warm Welcome Week where you can shop with drinks and music, but without fast fashion. Will you join the swap?

How does it work?

  • Bring up to 5 items of clothing that you no longer wear but are clean and pretty
  • Stack and sort - snatch patiently and by mutual agreement!
  • Any clothes left over? You can take them back or leave them. We will then donate them to charity together.
Nail Art by the Happy Toko

Pair your freshly picked outfit from the clothing swap with a matching nail art design. Professional artist Justine of the Happy Toko will transform your nails into mini masterpieces, adding the perfect finishing touch to your new look. The talented nail artists from the Happy Toko will create the most crazy and imaginative designs for you. Just sit back, relax, and leave with nails that truly stand out.

Visible mending workshop with artist Emma Fukuwatari Huffman (4 rounds)

Each mend is unique, as no tear, rip, or stain is the same. We begin by observing the item and considering how best to mend it—whether to restore its function, embrace the damage, or create something new. During the workshop, Emma will share techniques and examples to inspire your mending project. No sweing or embroidery experience? No problem! This workshop is open to all levels. Needles, fabric, and thread will be provided—just bring your item to mend. Hand-stitching can be a calming, communal experience, allowing you to connect with others as you work. In a world of fast fashion, mending your clothes is a small rebellion against waste. Proudly wearing visibly mended clothing sends a powerful message. Join us to stitch your story into your clothing!

About Emma Fukuwatari Huffman

Emma Fukuwatari Huffman is a designer, mender and researcher with a strong urgency to slow down the ever-accelerating speed and amount of material and product consumption we have witnessed and participated in, especially since the rise of fast fashion. She designs and conducts workshops as a method to challenge and change people's minds and empower them through learning to mend clothing themselves.

Ongoing: Visit the pop-up Kliimaatmuseum (Climate Museum)

The climate crisis: some are deeply concerned and feel powerless, others get so angry they block the highway, and the next person sees hope in the smallest things. Meanwhile, the earth is getting warmer every day and the consequences are becoming more and more visible. Still we don’t take enough action. Luckily, we have art and science! Are you looking for more insight, a new perspective or ways to contribute to the solution? Then you’re in the right place at the Klimaatmuseum (Climate Museum). The Klimaatmuseum brings together artists, scientists and students from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) around the one topic that affects us all: the climate crisis. Works of art and interactive installations bring the UvA’s latest climate research to life. You gain more insight into the problems and solutions of the climate crisis and discover how the various fields of research are connected. You will also be inspired to take action yourself for a better climate. Together, we will turn the tide.

BG 3

Binnengasthuisstraat 9
1012 ZA Amsterdam