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How do we respond to the challenges of climate grief? Is it possible to find hope amidst uncertainty? What role do new rituals and practices play in navigating the climate crisis, and can we see them as forms of modern spirituality? During the second edition of the programme series 'New Religion', student-in-residence Sam Kailani will delve into the connections between the Climate Movement and religion.
Event details of New Religion #2 Eco spirituality and climate activism
12 December 2024
16:30 -18:30
BG 3

On December 12, we invite you to join a diverse programme on dealing with climate change. Through poetry, conversations and a ritual workshop we explore what power rituals have in navigating the climate crisis.

This is the second edition of the programme series curated by our student-resident Sam Kailani. In his three-part series, Sam wants to explore what new forms of religion are emerging. Why is it that Westerners are converting to Universal Sufism? Can AI take the place of religion in our lives? And what does religion mean in the first place? 

Practical information
This programme is open for everyone and entrance is free. Due to limited spots we ask you to sign up via the form. Location: VOX-POP, binnengasthuisstraat 9 (BG3, ground floor). 

Workshop Cairn of Mourning - organised by Humanistisch Verbond
Experience the healing power of shared grief in this unique ritual practice, inspired by the work of Joanna Macy. The Cairn of Mourning invites you to reflect on personal losses in our world—vanished places, fading sounds, beloved parts of nature slipping away. Together, in a supportive circle, we share these stories by offering symbolic objects or written words to a collective cairn, witnessing and honoring each other's sorrow. This simple yet profound ritual helps us reconnect with the depth of our belonging to the Earth and rediscover the strength to care for her. 

About our student-in-residence Sam Kailani

Sam’s curiosity for the different ways people give meaning to their lives brought him to the field of Religion Sciences. It was within this field, he started to understand how difficult it actually is to define religion. He noticed how the public had this old fashioned idea of what it entails, but he also noticed how self-proclaimed secular people were part of social groups that had certain rituals, even dogma’s, and he asked himself: isn’t this just a new form of religion? It fuelled the idea for this programme series wherein he wants to investigate the broadness of the spectrum of religion and spirituality and he hopes the series can serve as a mirror for people to reflect on their own spirituality. Sam is currently doing his Bachelor Religious Studies at the University of Amsterdam. 

BG 3

Binnengasthuisstraat 9
1012 ZA Amsterdam