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In light of the University of Amsterdam's Diversity Month 2024, VOX-POP and Diversity Talks are joining forces on October 29 to host a special event, centered on the theme "Emotional Realities in Academia." This event will explore the often overlooked yet vital role of subjectivity and emotions within the academic world. How much room is there for subjective experiences and emotional expression in a setting that tends to prioritize 'objectivity', rationality and intellect?
Event details of Diversity Month: Subjective Realities and Emotions in Academia
29 October 2024
16:00 -18:00
BG 3

The programme will kick off with a thought-provoking documentary film screening. Following the screening, a diverse panel of experts will lead an engaging discussion, diving deep into the emotional landscapes that shape academic experiences—both for students and faculty. They'll address critical questions about how emotions are navigated, expressed, and even suppressed in academic environments, and what this means for inclusivity, mental health, and productivity.

Whether you're a student, researcher, or educator, this event will challenge conventional ideas and open up a dialogue about creating spaces where emotions are acknowledged as part of the academic experience. It's an opportunity to reflect on how we can foster more humane and emotionally aware academic environments.

Join us for an eye-opening evening that will have you rethinking the role of emotions in your academic journey.

BG 3

Binnengasthuisstraat 9
1012 ZA Amsterdam