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How can storytelling help us process grief and loss? In this CLOSE UP event, we explore the transformative power of stories in making sense of personal and collective experiences of grief. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, missed opportunities, the effects of climate change and war, or even the small griefs, like a dead bee by the roadside. Grief comes in many forms.
Event details of Echoes of Loss x Close Up: Stories we tell
28 November 2024
19:30 -22:00
BG 3
VOX-POP (ground floor)

The programme 

The evening will begin at 19:30 with a walk-in, followed by the official start at 20:00 with a Long Table Talk. This hybrid performance, installation, and roundtable discussion invites both conversation and creativity. Guests can listen, join the conversation, or take notes and doodle on the paper tablecloth as we explore questions such as: How can storytelling help us navigate grief? How can it create space for mourning in a world that often avoids it? And how can it connect us in our shared experiences of loss? 

After a short break (and a piece of cake!), we’ll dive into a Storytelling and Writing Workshop led by Krina Huisman, founder of Rouw & Zingeving (Grief & Meaning).  Krina will introduce her research on the vital role of storytelling in processing grief and guide you through letter-writing techniques and a creative writing journey. The evening will close with time for sharing, reflection, drinks, and more cake, accompanied by music. 

Entrance to this programme is free, but due to limited capacity we kindly ask you to sign up via the form. The programme starts at 19:30 and ends around 22:00. Adress: binnengasthuisstraat 9, VOX-POP (ground floor). 

BG 3

Room VOX-POP (ground floor)
Binnengasthuisstraat 9
1012 ZA Amsterdam