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As part of Queer History Month, the second edition of the Queer Bodies series explores the rich and often overlooked history of lesbian archives and their role as acts of resistance. How do we ensure that lesbian histories are not erased but remain sources of knowledge and activism?
Event details of Queer Bodies #2 Lesbian Legacy
26 March 2025
19:00 -21:00
BG 3
VOX-POP (ground floor)

On this evening, we will be joined by Anke Vromen and Margueritte from the Parisian Lesbian Institute, who will share their insights on the importance of archiving within the lesbian community. Additionally we will discuss how archives function as spaces of memory, representation, and activism.

This event is a tribute to the power of documenting, preserving, and making lesbian histories visible. We invite you to join the conversation and reflect on how we can honor and strengthen a lesbian legacy together.

Queer Bodies programme
This event is part of Queer Bodies, a programme series curated by writer, theater maker, and filmmaker Tine Tabak. In their work, Tine explores the queer body as a source of knowledge and storytelling, bringing together literature, philosophy, and art. With Queer Bodies, they creates a space where academic discourse and artistic practice meet, offering a platform for queer voices, histories, and perspectives.

BG 3

Room VOX-POP (ground floor)
Binnengasthuisstraat 9
1012 ZA Amsterdam