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How does it feel to be a woman in today’s society? In ‘Broken Promises’ Grazia explores the different experiences of womanhood. Sometimes the only way to success for women seems to include staying silent and meeting the fake female stereotypes presented by the media, wherein female beauty standards are defined in the most superficial way. How do we define beauty? Do you perceive these classic statues as beautiful? Do you perceive them as hollow?

“Coming from the South of Italy, I grew up with examples in which the man is seen as a strong, irascible, and sometimes even violent presence but yet all the time right. The woman, instead, is the beautiful, warm, and forgiving figure, there to justify and apologize for the man’s impulses. ‘Broken Promises’ is what I experienced as a young loving woman, trying to acquiesce men’s desire to be accepted. After having forced myself into fulfilling all these duties, I let you guess what came out as a result.”

Photos: Annie van der Werff

Grazia Gallo (1991, IT) graduated from the Fine Arts department at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. Her practice is based on assembling and transforming (mostly) found objects and materials into new sculpture-installations. Items that are normally thrown away after consumption are re-used in a playful dialogue of color, form and structure. The household objects and construction materials link Grazia’s work directly to daily life and create a recognizable language that is easy to understand. To Grazia, the found objects lose their original identity and become a metaphor for the alienated human in modern society.
