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No one goes through life without loss. From 31 October to 12 December, VOX-POP, in collaboration with humanistica Babet te Winkel, is organising a programme on grief. This programme offers workshops, dialogues and an interactive Loss Wall where you can share your loss. We will open this series with a special programme on 31 October, during Halloween, Samhain and All Souls' Day.
Event details of Echoes of Loss: Opening of the Verliesmuur
Start date
31 October 2024
End date
12 December 2024
BG 3
BG3, ground floor

During the opening, we will put mourning and loss at the centre. We explore the meaning of rituals in mourning with stories, short readings and a ‘Loss Soup’ where we reflect on the flavours of mourning. Space will be made for the many forms of loss: a person, yourself, a relationship, health or a long-held wish. So all loss experiences are welcome! 

Babet te Winkel (Verlieskunst) and Miek Crouzen (Praktijk De Basis) will guide the evening.

Programme (31 October):
17.00 - 17.40: Interactive opening Verliesmuur
17.40 - 18.00: Lectures on rituals
18.00 - 18.45: Soup ritual: the flavours of mourning
18.50 - 19.00: Moments of silence

Practical information
We ask you to bring an object that symbolises your loss. The meal soup is vegan and gluten-free. Participation is free, but registration is required. Start: 17:00, walk-in from 16:30. location: VOX-POP, Binnengasthuisstraat 9.

Foto door Coco Olakunle

Babet te Winkel (b. 1991) is the founder of the grief platform Verlieskunst. She specialises in creating new language, images and rituals to make space for mourning. She draws inspiration from nature, cycles and the seasons, mysticism and ancient stories. Her work takes shape in online courses, the ritual Verliesdiner, the art installation Verliesmuur and connecting grief circles. She is also a holistic masseur and body-focused bereavement counsellor.

She made her debut in November 2023 with her book ‘Seeing in the Dark’ in which she creates new language of grief. After the death of her mother, when she was just 20, Babet realised that she could not describe her feelings and experiences with existing words. She needed a language with which to unravel the experience of grief, to get beyond the empty words. Those words turned out to be as personal as they were universal.

Rosalie Voortman

Miek Crouzen is a psychologist and has been counselling people in her practice De Basis since 2016, in everything to do with being human. Having herself endured a long period of mourning for a broken relationship, Miek called into being a counselling programme for all types of loss and associated mourning. Under the name ‘the Meantime’, she offers appropriate guidance in the time you spend, when loss causes you to leave the Old, but the New is not yet in sight.

BG 3

Room BG3, ground floor
Binnengasthuisstraat 9
1012 ZA Amsterdam